
  1. Anthropology

    Ancient DNA reveals the origins of the Philistines

    A mysterious Biblical-era population may have fled Bronze Age calamities.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Rogue immune cells can infiltrate old brains

    Killer T cells get into older brains where they may make mischief, a study in mice and postmortem human brain tissue finds.

  3. Anthropology

    East Asians may have been reshaping their skulls 12,000 years ago

    An ancient skull-molding practice had a long history in northeastern Asia, researchers say.

  4. Health & Medicine

    California’s new vaccine rules kept more kindergartners up-to-date

    Three statewide interventions improved the rates of kindergartners behind on required vaccinations in California, researchers report.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Vision cells can pull double duty in the brain, detecting both color and shape

    Neurons in a brain area that handles vision fire in response to more than one aspect of an object, countering earlier ideas, a study in monkeys finds.

  6. Health & Medicine

    In mice, a high-fat diet cuts a ‘brake’ used to control appetite

    A fatty diet changes the behavior of key appetite-regulating cells in a mouse brain.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Antioxidants may encourage the spread of lung cancer rather than prevent it

    Antioxidants protect lung cancer cells from free radicals, but also spur metastasis, two new studies suggest.

  8. Genetics

    DNA reveals a European Neandertal lineage that lasted 80,000 years

    Ancient DNA from cave fossils in Belgium and Germany shows an unbroken genetic line of the extinct hominids emerged at least 120,000 years ago.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Thick calluses don’t make feet any less sensitive

    Bare feet that develop thick calluses are just as sensitive as shoe-clad feet, a study in Kenya finds.

  10. Archaeology

    Peru’s famous Nazca Lines may include drawings of exotic birds

    Pre-Inca people depicted winged fliers from far away in landscape art.

  11. Health & Medicine

    3-D mammograms are popular, but are they better than 2-D?

    The use of digital breast tomosynthesis, a newer breast cancer screening technology with limited evidence, has risen in recent years.

  12. Archaeology

    Capuchin monkeys’ stone-tool use has evolved over 3,000 years

    A Brazilian archaeological site reveals capuchins’ long history of practical alterations to pounding implements, researchers say.
