
  1. Life

    Prions clog cell traffic in brains with neurodegenerative diseases

    Prions may derail cargo moving inside brain cells, perhaps contributing to cell death in prion diseases.

  2. Archaeology

    A nearly 44,000-year-old hunting scene is the oldest known storytelling art

    Cave art in Indonesia dating to at least 43,900 years ago is the earliest known storytelling art, and shows otherworldly human-animal hunters.

  3. Archaeology

    Archaeologists have finally found ancient Egyptian wax head cones

    Newly discovered wax caps are the first physical examples of apparel shown in many ancient Egyptian art works.

  4. Science & Society

    Why Rembrandt and da Vinci may have painted themselves with skewed eyes

    A strongly dominant eye, not an eye disorder, may explain why some great artists painted themselves with one eye turned outward.

  5. Health & Medicine

    A once-scrapped Alzheimer’s drug may work after all, new analyses suggest

    An antibody that targets Alzheimer’s sticky protein amyloid showed promise in slowing mental decline, according to the company that’s developing it.

  6. Humans

    50 years ago, income inequality was severe in the U.S. It still is

    In 1969, lower-income households tended to be nonwhite and in the U.S. South. That still holds true today.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Scientists’ brains shrank a bit after an extended stay in Antarctica

    The experience of an isolated, long-term mission at an Antarctic research station slightly shrunk a part of crew members’ brains, a small study finds.

  8. Humans

    A gene tied to facial development hints humans domesticated themselves

    Scientists may have identified a gene that ties together ideas about human evolution and animal domestication.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Medications alone work as well as surgery for some heart disease patients

    Patients with stable ischemic heart disease may be able to avoid stents or bypass surgery with medications alone.

  10. Humans

    An ancient outbreak of bubonic plague may have been exaggerated

    Archaeological evidence suggests that an epidemic that occurred several centuries before the Black Death didn’t radically change European history.

  11. Archaeology

    Infrared images reveal hidden tattoos on Egyptian mummies

    Infrared images show a range of markings on seven female mummies, raising questions about ancient Egyptian tattoo traditions.

  12. Neuroscience

    Is taking birth control as a teen linked to depression? It’s complicated

    As researchers sift through conflicting data, no clear answers emerge on whether birth control during teenage years can cause depression later.
