Health & Medicine

  1. Animals

    How oral vaccines could save Ethiopian wolves from extinction

    A mass oral vaccination program in Ethiopian wolves could pave the way for other endangered species and help humans, too.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Male birth control pill passes a safety test

    A prototype contraceptive for men safely reduced testosterone and other reproductive hormones during a month-long treatment.

  3. Health & Medicine

    How obesity makes it harder to taste

    Mice that gained excessive weight on a high-fat diet also lost a quarter of their taste buds.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Hospital admissions show the opioid crisis affects kids, too

    Opioid-related hospitalizations for children are up, a sad statistic that shows the opioid epidemic doesn’t just affect adults.

  5. Neuroscience

    Depression among new mothers is finally getting some attention

    Scientists search new mothers’ minds for clues to postpartum depression.

  6. Science & Society

    What we do and don’t know about how to prevent gun violence

    Background checks work to prevent gun violence; concealed carry and stand-your-ground laws don’t. But lack of data makes it hard to make other links.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Newer drugs make hepatitis C-positive kidneys safe for transplant

    People without hepatitis C did not contract the disease after receiving successful transplants of infected kidneys along with newer antiviral drugs.

  8. Artificial Intelligence

    In the future, an AI may diagnose eye problems

    Artificial intelligence could help diagnose blinding eye diseases and other illnesses, speeding up medical care in areas where specialists might be scarce.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Human skin bacteria have cancer-fighting powers

    Strains of a bacteria that live on human skin make a compound that suppressed tumor growth in mice.

  10. Microbes

    A new way to make bacteria glow could simplify TB screening

    A new dye to stain tuberculosis bacteria in coughed-up mucus and saliva could expedite TB diagnoses and drug-resistance tests.

  11. Health & Medicine

    When it comes to baby’s growth, early pregnancy weight may matter more than later gains

    Women’s weight before and during the first half of pregnancy may be most important indicators of baby’s birth weight.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Global Virome Project is hunting for more than 1 million unknown viruses

    Scientists are searching for viruses lurking in animals that could threaten human health.
