Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    Even in the shade, a car’s interior can get lethally hot

    A car’s interior can get lethally hot on summer days, even when it’s parked in the shade.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Here’s what we know about the deadly Nipah virus

    The deadly and rare Nipah virus has killed at least 11 people in southern India, causing concern among epidemiologists.

  3. Genetics

    What genetic tests from 23andMe, Veritas and Genos really told me about my health

    A Science News reporter tried out three consumer genetic testing companies to see what people really learn about their health.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Black children commit suicide at twice the rate of white kids

    The suicide rates for young black kids are higher than those of their white counterparts, a pattern that flips in older kids, researchers find.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Ebola vaccinations begin in Congo

    A vaccination campaign is up and running to fight the ongoing Ebola outbreak in Congo. It’s the first of its kind.

  6. Health & Medicine

    What we know about the Ebola outbreak, and the vaccine that might help

    Even as an experimental vaccine arrives in Congo to contain the virus, there are worrisome signs Ebola has spread to a city.

  7. Health & Medicine

    To regulate fecal transplants, FDA has to first answer a serious question: What is poop?

    Fecal transplants are the treatment of the future for some conditions. But right now, they are entirely unregulated. Here’s why putting regulations in place is so complex.

  8. Health & Medicine

    The CDC advises: Don’t swallow the water in a hotel swimming pool

    In a 15-year period, hotel swimming pools and water parks had the highest number of swimming-related disease outbreaks in the United States.

  9. Life

    Your blood type might make you more likely to get traveler’s diarrhea

    People with type A blood are more likely to develop severe diarrhea from E. coli infections.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Kids are selective imitators, not extreme copycats

    Preschool-age kids have a reputation as “overimitators” based on lab tests. But in realistic test situations, kids don’t blindly imitate adults.

  11. Animals

    With a little convincing, rats can detect tuberculosis

    TB-sniffing rats prove more accurate in detecting infection, especially in children, than the most commonly used diagnostic tool.

  12. Animals

    These caterpillars march. They fluff. They scare London.

    Oak processionary moths have invaded England and threatened the pleasure of spring breezes.
