Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    DNA tests of Lassa virus mid-outbreak helped Nigeria target its response

    New technology for analyzing genetic data quickly in the field guided how Nigeria dealt with an outbreak of Lassa fever in 2018.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Probiotics don’t help puking kids, two large trials suggest

    Parents might want to spend their money on ginger ale and Jell-O instead.

  3. Health & Medicine

    A new implant uses light to control overactive bladders

    Experiments in rats show that a new soft device could help alleviate frequent, sudden urges to urinate.

  4. Anthropology

    This scientist watches meat rot to decipher the Neandertal diet

    This scientist is studying how meat changes as it rots to figure out what Neandertals might have eaten.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Americans are sleeping less than they were 13 years ago

    A survey suggests that nearly one-third of American adults are sleeping fewer than 6 hours a night, and minority groups are most affected.

  6. Health & Medicine

    How decorating for Christmas sends people to the ER

    A study takes a stab at quantifying Christmas-related mishaps.

  7. Health & Medicine

    E-cigarettes caught fire among teens

    High schoolers’ use of e-cigarettes shot up from 2017 to 2018, and public health officials are concerned that a new generation is at risk for nicotine addiction.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Tumor ‘organoids’ may speed cancer treatment

    Growing mini tumors in a lab dish, researchers can screen compounds to find promising combinations for treating rare cancers.

  9. Animals

    Humans wiped out mosquitoes (in one small lab test)

    An early lab test of exterminating a much-hated mosquito raises hopes, but is it really such a great idea?

  10. Health & Medicine

    Drinking studies muddied the waters around the safety of alcohol use

    Studies claiming that alcohol in even small amounts is dangerous weren’t designed to address risks of moderate drinking.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Babies born in opioid withdrawal have unusually small heads

    Infants born dependent on opioids had heads that were smaller than babies whose moms didn’t use the drugs during pregnancy.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Many babies are crummy sleepers, confirming what millions of parents already know

    A new survey suggests that lots and lots of babies aren’t sleeping through the night. The results may prompt new parents to lower their expectations.
