Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    Measles erases the immune system’s memory

    The measles virus can usher in other infections for months, or even years.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Finding common ground can reduce parents’ hesitation about vaccines

    Physicians are examining whether discussing shared health goals can bring vaccine-hesitant parents on board.

  3. Health & Medicine

    How allergens in pollen help plants do more than make you sneeze

    A plant’s view of what humans call allergens in pollen grains involves a lot of crucial biology. And sex.

  4. Animals

    Vaccines may help bats fight white nose syndrome

    Researchers are developing an oral vaccine that helps little brown bats survive the fungal disease white nose syndrome.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Does eating ultraprocessed food affect weight gain? It’s complicated

    Laying off ultraprocessed foods and switching to whole foods may help some people manage their weight, a small study finds.

  6. Ecosystems

    Readers were curious about green icebergs, aliens and more

    Readers had questions and comments about icebergs and climate change, CBD and NASA’s search for E.T.

  7. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, scientists tried to transplant part of a human eye

    In 1969, a doctor tried and failed to restore a 54-year-old man’s vision. Fifty years later, scientists are still struggling to make eye transplants work.

  8. Life

    A gut bacteria transplant may not help you lose weight

    A small study finds that transplanting gut microbes from a lean person into obese people didn’t lead to weight loss, as hoped.

  9. Health & Medicine

    A mysterious dementia that mimics Alzheimer’s gets named LATE

    An underappreciated form of dementia that causes memory trouble in older people gets a name: LATE.

  10. Health & Medicine

    How holes in herd immunity led to a 25-year high in U.S. measles cases

    U.S. measles cases have surged to 704. Outbreaks reveal pockets of vulnerability where too many unvaccinated people are helping the virus spread.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Why war’s emotional wounds run deeper for some kids and not others

    Researchers examine why war’s emotional wounds run deep in some youngsters, not others.

  12. Genetics

    A lack of circular RNAs may trigger lupus

    Researchers close in on how low levels of a kind of RNA may trigger lupus — offering hope for future treatments for the autoimmune disease.
