Health & Medicine
Health & Medicine
To end social distancing, the U.S. must dramatically ramp up contact tracing
Life after social distancing may involve apps that ask you to self-isolate after you’ve been near someone who tests positive for COVID-19.
Health & Medicine
Vaping may damage the heart just as smoking does
Vapers and smokers showed similar signs of blood vessel damage, compared with people who didn’t smoke or vape.
Health & Medicine
What coronavirus antibody tests tell us — and what they don’t
Antibody tests can give a clearer picture of who has been infected but don’t guarantee immunity for those who test positive.
Health & Medicine
Some patients who survive COVID-19 may suffer lasting lung damage
Results from a study in China suggest that some COVID-19 patients will be left with long-term lung problems.
By David Cox -
Health & Medicine
Drugs for high blood pressure don’t appear to make COVID-19 worse
Drugs commonly used to treat hypertension did not lead to more severe cases of the coronavirus infection or higher mortality in hospitalized patients.
Health & Medicine
COVID-19 kills more men than women. The immune system may be why
Countries with sex-specific data report more men than women are dying of the coronavirus. Women’s stronger immune response may give them a leg up.
Health & Medicine
COVID-19 is hitting some patients with obesity particularly hard
Doctors say some of their sickest COVID-19 patients are young and obese. One study shows they have higher rates of hospital admission and death.
By Dawn Fallik -
Health & Medicine
More evidence hints that hydroxychloroquine doesn’t help treat COVID-19
A malaria drug showed no benefit over standard care in two preliminary studies examining how well hydroxychloroquine works against the coronavirus.
Health & Medicine
Why 6 feet may not be enough social distance to avoid COVID-19
Scientists who study airflow warn that virus-laden drops may travel farther than thought.
Health & Medicine
COVID-19 may be most contagious one to two days before symptoms appear
The coronavirus probably spreads the most before symptoms appear, making containing viral transmission harder.
Health & Medicine
Why African-Americans may be especially vulnerable to COVID-19
African-Americans are more likely to die from COVID-19 than white Americans, data show. Experts blame long-standing health disparities.
By Sujata Gupta -
Health & Medicine
Meet Sophia Upshaw, a volunteer in a coronavirus vaccine trial
In Seattle and Atlanta, scientists have started testing the safety of a potential vaccine to prevent COVID-19.