Health & Medicine

  1. Life

    Scientists want to build a Noah’s Ark for the human microbiome

    Just as the Svalbard Global Seed Vault protects global crop diversity, the Microbiota Vault may one day protect the microbes on and in our bodies.

  2. Health & Medicine

    No, you can’t hear the difference between sick and healthy coughs

    A study shows humans can’t distinguish between the sound of a cough from someone with an infectious disease and someone with a tickle in the throat.

  3. Health & Medicine

    How often do asymptomatic people spread the coronavirus? It’s unclear

    A WHO official said people without COVID-19 symptoms rarely spread the virus, but there’s a lot that researchers don’t yet understand.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Lockdowns may have averted 531 million coronavirus infections

    Policies that kept residents at home and closed businesses were largely effective at slowing the pandemic’s spread, two studies suggest.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Taking hydroxychloroquine may not prevent COVID-19 after exposure

    Hydroxychloroquine didn’t protect health-care workers from getting sick after being exposed to someone with COVID-19, a new study shows.

  6. Health & Medicine

    What parents need to know about kids in the summer of COVID-19

    So far, evidence suggests children don’t often get severely ill from COVID-19, but there’s more to learn about their role in its spread.

  7. Genetics

    Genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s also raise the risk of getting COVID-19

    People who have the APOE4 genetic variant appear to be more vulnerable to the disease, but it’s unclear why.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Wastewater could provide up to a week of warning for a COVID-19 spike

    A new study adds to evidence that sewage may serve as an early warning signal that the coronavirus has hit a community.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Infecting people with COVID-19 could speed vaccine trials. Is it worth it?

    To accelerate vaccine development, some experts argue we should purposefully infect volunteers with the coronavirus. Others warn of the risks.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Is the coronavirus mutating? Yes. But here’s why you don’t need to panic

    Some studies claim there are new strains of the coronavirus, but lab experiments are needed to see if mutations are changing how it infects cells.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Politics aside, hydroxychloroquine could (maybe) help fight COVID-19

    Hydroxychloroquine may help prevent COVID-19, or it may not. Studies are under way to find out. Meanwhile, here’s what we know.

  12. Health & Medicine

    There are two versions of the coronavirus. One’s not more dangerous than the other

    Factors such as a person’s age and white blood cell counts matter more for disease severity when it comes to COVID-19, a study finds.
