Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    Africa faces new meningitis threat

    A vaccine-resistant and previously rare strain of deadly bacteria caused an epidemic of meningitis last year in western Africa and seems to have disseminated around the world.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Vaccine didn’t cause heart deaths

    Fatal heart attacks that recently struck two people after they were vaccinated against smallpox were probably unfortunate coincidences, not adverse consequences of vaccination.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Shots stop allergic reactions to venom

    An immune therapy prevents allergic reactions to the sting of the jack jumper ant, a pest common to Australia.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Homing In on Ephedra’s Risks

    On Feb. 16, pitcher Steve Bechler of the Baltimore Orioles collapsed while running sprints at the team’s spring-training camp in Florida. He died a few hours later. Subsequent investigation linked the 23-year-old player’s apparent heatstroke with a popular diet aid containing both caffeine and ephedra, a botanical product rich in other natural stimulants. Ephedra plant. […]

  5. Health & Medicine

    Deadly Stowaways: Seeds of cancer in transplant recipients are traced back to donors

    Precancerous cells that grow into Kaposi's sarcoma are sometimes introduced into a person in an organ transplant.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Danes keeping drugs out of livestock

    Reducing the amount of antibiotics given to livestock in Denmark has lowered the amount of drug-resistant Enterococcus faecium bacteria in the meat of these animals.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Indian encephalitis is traced to measles

    An outbreak of fatal encephalitis in India appears to have been caused by a strange form of rashless measles in a majority of the sick children tested.

  8. Health & Medicine

    New Australian virus infects people

    Australian scientists have identified a new virus, apparently spread by fruit bats, that causes birth defects in pigs and severe illness in some people exposed to infected pigs.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Venison can contain E. coli bacteria

    Escherichia coli, which causes severe diarrhea in people, may be widespread in deer, a finding that raises concerns about preparation of wild-game meats.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Weight-loss pill carries risks

    The drug ephedra and its presumed active ingredient, ephedrine, provide only modest weight-loss effects and pose health risks.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Microbicide thwarts AIDS virus in monkey test

    A microbicidal gel applied vaginally prevents some transmission of the AIDS virus in monkeys.

  12. Health & Medicine

    A Make-Time-For-Sex Diet?

    We’re slaves to our hormones. Teenagers and pregnant women are experts on that topic. Both ride an emotional roller coaster as their bodies produce vacillating amounts of sex hormones. In fact, behind the scenes of all human biology–from conception to death–a delicate interplay of hormones drives everything from the expression of our gender to regulation […]
