Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    Is ‘drink plenty of fluids’ good advice?

    Definitive studies need to determine whether increasing fluid intake during respiratory infections is really a good idea, says a team of researchers.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Suspected Carcinogen Speeds Through People’s Bodies

    A commonly used but potentially carcinogenic flavoring compound stays in people's bodies only briefly.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Gap in the Defense: Brain cancer patients short on valuable protein

    Brain tumor cells have a dearth of an obscure protein called ING4, whose sister compounds have shown anticancer effects.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Ear piercings cause illness, disfigurement

    Piercing the upper-ear cartilage under nonsterile conditions can leave a person vulnerable to a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, as happened in Oregon in 2000.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Heart patients gain from steep cholesterol drop

    Heart patients can lessen their risk of a heart attack and increase their odds of survival by aggressively reducing harmful low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in their blood.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Drug for migraines helps some patients

    An experimental drug that slows blood flow in the brain knocks out migraine headaches in some people.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Immune response in brain sparks nausea

    Ailments ranging from the common cold to many types of cancer can make people nauseous, an effect that may occur because signals from the brain suppress the muscle contractions required for digestion.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Cell therapy not just for Parkinson’s

    Transplanted nerve cells can survive in the brains of people who have suffered strokes and may alleviate some brain damage.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Making scents of Alzheimer’s

    Among people with mild symptoms of memory loss, a limited ability to recognize smells—along with an inability to detect the disability—has been linked to the future development of Alzheimer's.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Know Your Enemy

    Scientists mine the tuberculosis genome.

  11. Health & Medicine

    AIDS Vaccine Tests Well in Monkeys

    An experimental AIDS vaccine bolstered with two immune proteins protects rhesus monkeys from the disease even when they are exposed to a combination of simian and human immunodeficiency virus.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Formula for Failure

    A bacterium that has been known to cause rare, yet fatal infections in infants appears to be more widespread than scientists have realized.
