Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    Pick Your Antipoison

    New research may soon make treating venomous bites and stings less expensive, less risky, and more effective.

  2. Health & Medicine

    A New Bible for Eating Well

    The Institute of Medicine has just summarized in a new book 5,000 pages of comprehensive nutrition guidelines issued over the past decade.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Problem Paternity: Older men seem more apt to have autistic kids

    Children born to fathers who are age 40 or older have an increased risk of developing autism.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Herpes simplex viruses dip in prevalence

    Two viruses that cause genital herpes decreased in prevalence in the United States during the past 2 decades.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Old drug can stop clots as well as newer drug does

    A decades-old form of the anticlotting drug heparin is as safe, as effective, and potentially as convenient to use as recent derivatives that are many times more expensive.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Another Way Men and Women Differ

    One reason young women face a much lower heart-disease risk than do men may reflect the different way their bodies respond to fats circulating in their blood during the first hours after a meal.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Head to Head: Brain implants are better for Parkinson’s patients

    Parkinson's patients who get electrodes surgically implanted in their brains regain some muscle control and have improved quality of life.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Risky Legacy: African DNA linked to prostate cancer

    The high rate of prostate cancer among African American men may result in large part from a newly identified stretch of DNA passed down from their African ancestors.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Breast milk may not be enough

    Breast-fed infants need vitamin D supplements, at least in winter.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Sauna use among dads linked to tumors in children

    Men who expose themselves to excessive heat in the weeks before they conceive children may place their future offspring at unnecessary risk of brain cancer.

  11. Health & Medicine

    How to Wash Up in the Wilderness

    Many campers who wash their dishes in the wilderness use methods that don't consistently remove all bacteria.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Origins of Ache: Immune proteins may yield chronic-pain clues

    People with chronic pain that has no underlying disease have low concentrations of proteins in the cytokine family that restrain inflammation.
