Health & Medicine

  1. Life

    Fly fountain of youth

    Hanging out with young, healthy flies helps fruit flies with a mutation that causes neurodegeneration live longer.

  2. Health & Medicine

    BOOK LIST | Guilty Robots, Happy Dogs: The Question of Alien Minds

    The alien minds are of animals. The question: Can robots mimic them? Oxford Univ. Press, 2008, 252 p., $34.95. GUILTY ROBOTS, HAPPY DOGS: THE QUESTION OF ALIEN MINDS

  3. Earth

    Audubon’s insect cafeteria

    Sidebar: Insects.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Insects (the original white meat)

    Dining on insects, usually more by choice than necessity, occurs in at least 100 countries — and may be better than chicken for both people and the environment.

  5. Health & Medicine

    The Colorful World of Synesthesia

    Science News for Kids explores the sensory explosion that defines the experience of people with this unusual, but not that uncommon nor unwelcome, condition.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Vacillating stem cells

    Unsuspected, ever-changing variation among stem cells in bone marrow helps determine the development path the cells will follow during differentiation.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Trust again

    The ability to trust others even after violations of trust is regulated by the hormone oxytocin.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Nonstick toxicity

    By mimicking the action of estrogen, a widely used nonstick chemical promotes cancer development in animals.

  9. Animals

    Courting both ways

    Some extra dopamine, and male fruit flies like boys too.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Donor dilemma

    Blood donors age 16 or 17 are more apt to faint than older donors.

  11. Tech

    I, computer

    Bacteria that can "flip pancakes" with their DNA are the first microbes engineered to be living computers.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Itchy and scratchy

    People with a close relative who has had shingles face a heightened risk of getting the skin disease, and should probably be first in line to get the vaccine.
