Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    ‘Super Size’ diet increases insulin resistance

    Scientists study effects of a month-long fast food binge, finding that weight gain and insulin resistance may be related.

  2. Chemistry

    BPA: On the way out? Sort of

    Half-hearted bans won't really protect babies, much less the rest of us.

  3. Psychology

    School-age lead exposures most harmful to IQ

    New studies find lead exposure has greater potency in school-age children than in infants and toddlers, including effects on brain volume.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Scorpion venom neutralized

    An antivenom drug commonly used in Mexico counteracts poisonous scorpion stings, researchers in Arizona find.

  5. Life

    For blood stem cells, the force is strong

    Blood flow boosts production of blood stem cells, two new studies show.

  6. Chemistry

    Nonstick chemical pollutes water at notable levels

    Residues of nonstick chemicals — from unknown sources — appear to be approaching concentrations associated with adverse effects in laboratory animals.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Toothpicks match needles for acupuncture

    Sham acupuncture works as well as the real thing for back pain, a study shows.

  8. Life

    Misread epigenetic signals play role in leukemia

    A genetic mistake causes misinterpretation of epigenetic marks, leading to cancer.

  9. Earth

    U.S. radiation dose has doubled

    New analysis finds radiation-based medical procedures have skyrocketed.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Keeping artery plaques under control

    Toning down a gene called CHOP may offer a way to reduce the risk of arterial plaque ruptures, which can cause heart attacks and strokes, a study in mice shows.

  11. Earth

    Report of earlier, longer puberty in girls

    A Danish study finds young girls are entering puberty notably earlier than 15 years ago — for reasons that remain unknown.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Narcolepsy linked to immune system

    Genome association study finds a second connection between the sleep disorder and the body's disease-fighting apparatus
