Health & Medicine

  1. Humans

    What’s in your bottled water?

    A congressional hearing found bottled-water quality is not regulated as strictly as tap water is.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Caloric restriction extends life in monkeys, study finds

    New study finds calorie restriction delays age-related diseases in monkeys. Another study reports that an immune-suppressing drug helps elderly mice live longer.

  3. Life

    Collins nominated to head NIH

    The chemist — turned physician, turned geneticist — has a spiritual side as well.

  4. Health & Medicine

    You Are Who You Are by Default

    A neural network active when the brain is at rest may prove critical to zoning out, a sense of self and envisioning the future.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Bad Breath

    New studies detail how the invisible particles that pollute the air can damage heart, lungs and genetic programming.

  6. Life

    New drug hits leukemia early

    An experimental drug may stop a deadly leukemia in its early stages, a study of mice shows.

  7. Chemistry

    Concerns over bisphenol A continue to grow

    Recent research finds that the hormone mimic may be more prevalent and more harmful than previously thought, highlighting why BPA is a growing worry for policy makers.

  8. Science & Society

    Become a guinea pig

    Three NIH researchers argue it should be considered a duty with a social mandate akin to voting.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Schizophrenia risk gets more complex

    Three studies find that large collections of variants, rather than just a few key mutations, probably predispose someone to schizophrenia.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Plastics ingredients may shrink babies

    A new study links phthalates, one of the more ubiquitous families of pollutants, with a baby being dangerously small at birth.

  11. Life

    H1N1 racks up frequent flier miles

    Analyzing global flight paths may help researchers track pandemics, as a new study on H1N1 shows.

  12. Life

    Protein protects sperm in mice

    A protein called GPX5 helps protect sperm from oxidative damage. The finding could help prevent birth defects.
