Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    2009 Science News of the Year: Nutrition

    Natural vanilla extract comes from pods (shown), but most vanillin is synthesized in the lab. Credit: De-Kay/istockphoto That yeast smells good Yeast has long been pressed into service for making beer and bread. Now the fungus has been tapped for a loftier flavor: vanillin, vanilla’s dominant compound (SN: 5/23/09, p. 9). Natural vanilla comes from […]

  2. Health & Medicine

    2009 Science News of the Year: Body & Brain

    Numbers of passengers arriving from Mexico in March and April 2008 show which cities would have been most vulnerable to H1N1 transmission. Credit : The New England Journal of Medicine ©2009 H1N1 strikes and spreads Like the years 1957 and 1968, 2009 will be known as a pandemic flu year. The springtime eruption of a […]

  3. Health & Medicine

    Darker liquor, never sicker

    People report feeling worse the next morning after drinking bourbon than after drinking vodka.

  4. Health & Medicine

    When body meets H1N1 flu

    Two studies map interactions between virus and human cells; one study reveals natural flu fighters.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Gene variant may help against emphysema, asthma

    Uncommon version seems to lessen risk of lung disease in smokers.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Mom and Dad not equally to blame for some bad genes

    Common genetic variants may have different effects on disease depending which parent passes along the trait.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Nearsightedness increasing in the United States

    A new study suggests that myopia has increased by more than 60 percent since the 1970s.

  8. Health & Medicine

    New material could support stem cell development

    A ’smart’ gel could help coax stem cells to develop into heart cells.

  9. Life

    Model for powerful flu fighters from existing drugs

    Computer screening mines inventory of existing drugs to find possible new drugs that the H1N1 and H5N1 flu viruses just wouldn’t be able to resist.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Best choice for chronic leukemia treatment may change

    A newer treatment outperforms current frontline drug Gleevec in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia and an older drug may plug gap in coverage.

  11. Psychology

    Depression medication may offer mood lift via personality shift

    A new study suggests that commonly used antidepressants may work after first altering personality traits.

  12. Health & Medicine

    H1N1 hits sickle cell kids hard

    Cases particularly acute in children with the chronic blood condition.
