Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    The flowery scent of a Zika or dengue infection lures mosquitoes

    Mice and humans infected with dengue emit acetophenone, attracting bloodsucking mosquitoes that could then transmit the viruses to new hosts.

  2. Health & Medicine

    College COVID-19 testing can reduce coronavirus deaths in local communities

    Counties with colleges that did COVID-19 testing fared better against the coronavirus in fall 2020 than towns with colleges that did not test.

  3. Health & Medicine

    How scientists are shifting their search for links between diet and dementia

    Studies of food’s impact on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are hampered by complexity. Scientists hope new research approaches prove more fruitful.

  4. Health & Medicine

    This soft, electronic ‘nerve cooler’ could be a new way to relieve pain

    A tiny electronic device implanted in the body generates targeted pain relief by cooling off nerves, experiments in rats suggest.

  5. Space

    Six months in space leads to a decade’s worth of long-term bone loss

    Even after a year of recovery in Earth’s gravity, astronauts who’d been in space six months or more still had bone loss equal to a decade of aging.

  6. Health & Medicine

    New COVID-19 boosters could contain bits of the omicron variant

    The omicron variant is different enough from the original version to require an update to COVID-19 vaccines, experts say.

  7. Tech

    A neck patch for athletes could help detect concussions early

    The small sensor is sleeker and cheaper than other devices used to monitor neck strain in athletes.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Here’s what we know right now about getting COVID-19 again

    Repeat coronavirus infections may be on the rise as the omicron variant continues to spread. Scientists are still trying to nail down the risks.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Monkeypox is not a global health emergency for now, WHO says

    The decision comes as the outbreak of the disease related to smallpox continues to spread, affecting at least 4,100 people in 46 countries as of June 24.

  10. Health & Medicine

    5 misunderstandings of pregnancy biology that cloud the abortion debate

    The Supreme Court’s scrapping of Roe v. Wade shifts decisions about related health care to states. Accurate science is often missing in those talks.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Western wildfires’ health risks extend across the country

    As western wildfires become more common, hazardous smoke is sending people — especially children — to emergency rooms on the East Coast.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines are OK’d for the youngest kids

    Babies, toddlers and preschoolers could begin getting immunized against COVID-19 as early as June 21 in the United States.
