Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    Changes in kids’ genomes linked to chronic stress

    In a study of 40 nine-year-old boys, kids from underprivileged backgrounds had telomeres that were 19 percent shorter than those of boys from more privileged environments.

  2. Health & Medicine

    If your kid hates broccoli, try, try again

    Repeated exposure to foods may be the antidote to picky eating.

  3. Humans

    Father’s obesity linked to autism in children

    A father-to-be’s body mass may be a greater risk factor for his child’s development of autism than the body mass of the mother.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Surgery museum holds wonders for the brave

    Anatomical displays sit alongside art depicting medical history at the International Museum of Surgical Science.

  5. Earth

    Science can save lives, but only if society lets it

    Society faces lots of problems that science can’t yet fix. But there are also plenty of cases in which scientists know enough to avert tragedy.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Whooping cough bounces back

    A new type of pertussis vaccine introduced in the late 1990s may have led to the return of a disease that was nearly eradicated 40 years ago. Public opposition to vaccination hasn’t helped matters.

  7. Neuroscience

    Paralyzed mouse legs move with burst of light

    Neural patch makes leg muscles twitch in paralyzed mice when blue light shines.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Statins may improve erectile function

    Although doctors had been concerned that statins were associated with erectile dysfunction, an analysis of 14 studies finds that the drugs may actually help erectile function.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Celiac disease linked to heart problems

    Inflammation may explain the link between celiac disease, a digestive disorder, and coronary artery disease.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Daylight saving time linked to heart attacks

    Hospital admissions for heart attacks increases after daylight savings time starts, a study suggests.

  11. Health & Medicine

    This rare skull-thickening disease led to a 3-D-printed replacement

    A skull implant made with a 3-D printer replaced the 2-inch-thick skull of a Dutch woman with the rare van Buchem disease.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Bile acids may play lead role in weight-loss surgery

    Having more gastric juices swirling around a smaller space and a change in the gut microbiome may be what helps with weight loss after stomach-shrinking surgery.
