Health & Medicine

  1. Neuroscience

    Newly identified brain circuit could be target for treating obesity

    In mice, specific nerve cells control compulsive sugar consumption, but not normal feeding, hinting at a new therapeutic target for treating obesity.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Ebola vaccine performs well in U.K. human trial

    A vaccine that protects against the Zaire strain of Ebola turns in promising preliminary results from a human trial.

  3. Neuroscience

    Immune system may remember and adapt to stress

    Mice without immune systems who receive stressed immune cells are less anxious and more social, suggesting that the immune system can adapt to stress.

  4. Agriculture

    Superbugs take flight from cattle farms

    Winds can carry antibiotics and drug-resistant bacteria from cattle farms to downwind communities.

  5. Life

    When bacteria-killing viruses take over, it’s bad news for the gut

    A rise in some bacteria-killing viruses in the intestines may deplete good bacteria and trigger inflammatory bowel diseases.

  6. Environment

    Atrazine’s path to cancer possibly clarified

    Scientists have identified a cellular button that the controversial herbicide atrazine presses to promote tumor development.

  7. Neuroscience

    Brain’s protective barrier gets leakier with age

    Aging influences the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, which may contribute to learning and memory problems later in life.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Immune system ‘reset’ may give MS patients a new lease on life

    With the help of their own stem cells, MS patients can stop the disease in its tracks in many cases.

  9. Health & Medicine

    What’s in a nap? For babies, it may make long-lasting memories

    Taking naps after learning seems to help babies less than a year old make memories and keep them, for about a day anyway.

  10. Neuroscience

    Brain’s plumbing may knock out blood test for brain injury

    The brain's waste-removal system may complicate scientists' attempts to create a blood test to diagnose traumatic brain injury.

  11. Neuroscience

    To beat sleepiness of anxiety drugs, team looks to body’s clock

    Studying basic functions, such as the body’s clock, has inadvertently led to a compound that relieves anxiety in mice.

  12. Neuroscience

    Protectors of our nervous system play a role in pain

    PET and MRI brain scans show that the cells that protect our central nervous system also play a role in chronic pain.
