Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    Snagging blood clots upgrades stroke care

    A new device threaded up to the brain via catheter can unblock vessels in cerebral arteries, studies show.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Broken bones heal with young blood, how remains a mystery

    Blood from young mice rejuvenates bones of elderly mice, but how it works remains a mystery.

  3. Animals

    Pandas’ gut bacteria resemble carnivores’

    Unlike other vegetarians, the bamboo eaters lack plant-digesting microbes.

  4. Environment

    E-cigarette flavorings may harm lungs

    Certain e-cigarette flavors, such as banana pudding, may damage lung tissue

  5. Life

    Typical American diet can damage immune system

    The typical American diet sends our good and bad gut microbes out of balance and can lead to inflammation and a host of problems.

  6. Health & Medicine

    A firm grip may predict risk of death better than blood pressure

    The strength of people’s grip could predict how likely they are to die if they develop cardiovascular or other diseases.

  7. Genetics

    How to rewire the eye

    The cutting-edge technology called optogenetics may offer a workaround to partially restore vision even after the retina’s light-sensing rods and cones die.

  8. Animals

    Early research asked whether cats dream

    Early research asked whether cats dream; researchers still don’t know definitively.

  9. Genetics

    Quicker sepsis diagnosis may be a step closer

    Identifying genes linked with sepsis may make it possible to develop a blood test to diagnose the infection days sooner than current methods.

  10. Genetics

    MicroRNAs track radiation doses

    MicroRNAs in the blood may indicate radiation damage, a study of mice finds.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Birth-weight boost tied to cleaner air during Beijing Olympics

    Babies whose eighth month of gestation fell during the 2008 Beijing Olympics were born slightly heavier than babies born a year earlier or later, a stark indication of the effects of pollution on development.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Too much light slows brown fat, suggesting link with obesity

    Brown fat is supposed to be the friendly kind, but making the days longer with artificial light may turn it into an enemy in the battle against obesity.
