Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    Recent advances may improve Jimmy Carter’s chances against melanoma

    Improvements in melanoma treatment over the last five years may aid former President Jimmy Carter’s battle against the disease.

  2. Genetics

    Gene thought to cause obesity works indirectly

    Researchers have discovered a “genetic switch” that determines whether people will burn extra calories or save them as fat.

  3. Life

    Experimental MERS vaccine shows promise

    An experimental vaccine against the MERS virus triggers immune protection, a new study finds.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Stiff cellular environment links obesity to breast cancer

    Obesity may directly support tumor growth by making a cell’s surroundings stiffer.

  5. Health & Medicine

    ‘Vomiting device’ sounds gross but it helps study infections

    Scientists created a “vomiting device” to study how norovirus spreads through the air.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Study finds early signs of bookishness in a child’s brain

    Children from book-friendly homes show higher brain activity when they hear a story, but there’s more to learn about how reading affects growing brains.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Teen e-cig users more likely to smoke tobacco

    E-cigarette use is linked to later tobacco use in teens.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Football games come with more head hits than practices do

    As football intensifies from practice to games, the number of impacts increases, a new study finds.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Building standards aren’t to blame for chilly offices

    A recent study made headlines for finding differences between men and women in comfort level for heating and cooling. But that’s not why women are cold in the office.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Fish oil may counter schizophrenia

    Three months of omega-3 fatty acids protects against psychosis for years, a small study suggests.

  11. Neuroscience

    A voyage into Parkinson’s disease, led by patient and journalist

    Jon Palfreman’s Brain Storms explores Parkinson’s disease in the past, present and future.

  12. Life

    Gastric bypass surgery changes gut microbes

    Weight loss surgery changes microbes for good.
