Health & Medicine

  1. Neuroscience

    ‘Neural dust’ can listen to body’s electrical signals

    Tiny crystals can detect electrical signals in nerves and muscles of rats.

  2. Science & Society

    FDA OKs first GM mosquito trial in U.S. but hurdles remain

    The FDA has concluded that test releases of Oxitec GM mosquitoes on a Florida key poses no significant problem for the environment, but local officials still have to agree

  3. Health & Medicine

    Zika vaccines work in rhesus monkeys

    Three vaccines can protect rhesus monkeys from infection with Zika. One of them fended off viral strains from both Brazil and Puerto Rico.

  4. Neuroscience

    Red blood cells sense low oxygen in the brain

    Red blood cells sense low oxygen and speed to the scene, a new study suggests.

  5. Anthropology

    Oldest evidence of cancer in human family tree found

    Bony growths on fossils may push origins of this disease way back in the Stone Age.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Zika-carrying mosquitoes eluding control efforts in Miami

    Florida adds 10 new cases of locally acquired Zika infection, prompting the CDC to issue travel warning for pregnant women. Mosquitoes in Miami may be resistant to insecticides.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Mosquitoes in Florida now spreading Zika virus, health officials warn

    Florida adds 10 new cases of locally acquired Zika infection, prompting the CDC to issue travel warning for pregnant women. Mosquitoes in Miami may be resistant to insecticides.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Florida mosquitoes likely spreading Zika

    Mosquitoes in Florida carrying the Zika virus are probably to blame for four recent cases of infection.

  9. Archaeology

    Parasitic worm eggs found on Silk Road latrine artifacts

    Microscopic study of latrine finds indicates disease spread along ancient Asian trade route.

  10. Neuroscience

    Gift-giving brain cells are lifeline to injured nerve cells

    After an injury, astrocytes give nerve cells a gift of mitochondria, mouse study suggests.

  11. Health & Medicine

    This week in Zika: Revised risk, new mosquito threat, U.S. on the brink

    First potential cases of locally spread Zika crop up in the continental United States, estimates of infection risk, antibodies that can fight the virus and a new mosquito species that may be able to carry Zika.

  12. Animals

    Readers ponder animal flight

    Readers respond to the June 11, 2016, issue of Science News with questions on cormorants, butterflies, virus-sensing genes and more.
