Health & Medicine
Health & Medicine
Weapon of bone destruction identified
Scientists discover myeloma’s secret bone-destroying messenger.
Health & Medicine
Cornea donation may have sex bias
Women receiving a corneal transplant do better when their donors are female, new research finds.
By Amber Dance -
Health & Medicine
Tired parents don’t always follow sleep guidelines for babies
Night videos revealed parents putting their babies to bed in unsafe environments.
Fentanyl’s death toll is rising
The ability of fentanyl, an opioid, to freeze chest muscles within minutes may be to blame for some overdoses, a new autopsy study shows.
Eating shuts down nerve cells that counter obesity
A group of nerve cells shut down when food hits the lips, a study of mice finds.
Health & Medicine
Zika kills brain cells in adult mice
Zika virus may harm more than babies: The virus can infect and kill brain cells in adult mice, too.
By Meghan Rosen -
Health & Medicine
When it comes to antimicrobial resistance, watch out for wildlife
Focusing on antimicrobial resistance in hospitals and farms misses a big and not well understood part of the issue: wildlife.
By Susan Milius -
Genes that control toxin production in C. difficile ID’d
Pinpointing the genes behind Clostridium difficile toxin production could help researchers disarm the superbug without killing “good” bacteria.
Health & Medicine
Keep it simple when choosing a sunscreen for your kid
For parents swimming in a sea of sunscreen choices, look for a few key attributes.
Sleep deprivation hits some brain areas hard
Brain scan study reveals hodgepodge effects of sleep deprivation.
Science & Society
Cancer drug came from traditional Chinese medicine
Researchers looked to traditional Chinese medicine for cancer treatment clues 50 years ago. Today, synthetic versions treat a variety of cancers.
Aging-related protein may play role in depression
Mouse study reveals link between aging protein and depression.