Health & Medicine

  1. Neuroscience

    Out-of-sync body clock causes more woes than sleepiness

    The ailment, called circadian-time sickness, can be described with Bayesian math, scientists propose.

  2. Life

    Placenta protectors no match for toxic Strep B pigment

    Strep B uses a toxic pigment made of fat to kill immune system cells, spurring preterm labor and dangerous infections, a monkey study shows.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Baby-led weaning is safe, if done right

    Babies who fed themselves solid foods, called baby-led weaning, were no more likely to choke than spoon-fed babies, a new study finds.

  4. Materials Science

    Superflexible, 3-D printed “bones” trigger new growth

    New ultraflexible material could be the future of bone repair, but awaits human testing.

  5. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, noise was a nuisance (it still is)

    In 1966, scientists warned of the physical and psychological dangers of a louder world.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Deciphering cell’s recycling machinery earns Nobel

    The 2016 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his work on autophagy, a process that cells use to break down old parts for future use.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Japanese scientist wins Nobel for revealing secrets of cellular recycling

    Discovering how cells act as mini recycling plants wins the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for Japanese cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Don’t cocoon a kid who has a concussion

    Parents should fight the urge to limit kids’ activities after a concussion.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Zika virus infects cells that make bone, muscle in lab tests

    Zika virus infects embryonic cranial cells in lab-grown minibrains, potentially altering face and skull shape and brain development, and maybe even contributing to microcephaly.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Concern expands over Zika birth defects

    Infection with Zika virus in utero can trigger a spectrum of birth defects beyond microcephaly, and could potentially cause long-term health problems as well.

  11. Animals

    New case emerging for Culex mosquito as unexpected Zika spreader

    The much-debated proposal that a Culex mosquito could help spread Zika gets some international support.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Measles has been eliminated in the Americas, WHO says

    Thanks to wide-spread vaccination against the viral disease, measles has officially been declared eliminated from the Americas.
