Health & Medicine
Health & Medicine
A baby’s DNA may kick off mom’s preeclampsia
A large genetic analysis points to a protein made by the fetus that may trigger preeclampsia in the mom.
Health & Medicine
In 1967, researchers saw the light in jaundice treatment
Researchers discovered how to use light to treat babies with jaundice 50 years ago. But questions remain about the technique’s effectiveness in some cases.
Health & Medicine
New heart attack treatment uses photosynthetic bacteria to make oxygen
Photosynthetic bacteria can produce oxygen to keep rat heart muscles healthy after a heart attack.
Health & Medicine
New kind of ‘tan in a bottle’ may one day protect against skin cancer
A drug for activating melanin production without using ultraviolet radiation works in human skin samples.
Health & Medicine
Live antibiotics use bacteria to kill bacteria
Certain bacteria will destroy other bacteria without harming humans. They may be an answer to antibiotic-resistant infections.
Health & Medicine
Therapy flags DNA typos to rev cancer-fighting T cells
Genetic tests help identify cancer patients who will benefit from immune therapy.
Health & Medicine
It’s best if babies don’t drink their fruit as juice
New guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend no fruit juice for babies younger than 1 year old.
Health & Medicine
Choosing white or whole-grain bread may depend on what lives in your gut
Gut microbes determine how people’s blood sugar levels respond to breads.
Health & Medicine
When preventing HIV, bacteria in the vagina matter
Vaginal bacteria affect how well microbicide gels used to prevent HIV work.
Health & Medicine
50 years ago, antibiotic resistance alarms went unheeded
Scientists have worried about antibiotic resistance for decades.
Health & Medicine
Babies categorize colors the same way adults do
Babies divide hues into five categories, much like adults, a result that suggests color categorization is built into the brain.
Health & Medicine
Some topics call for science reporting from many angles
There’s heartbreak in this issue. Science News investigates different facets of the ongoing opioid epidemic in the United States.