Health & Medicine

  1. Health & Medicine

    Laws to protect athletes’ brains do reduce concussions — eventually

    Recurrent concussions among high school athletes went down about 2½ years after traumatic brain injury laws were on the books, a new study finds.

  2. Life

    The next wave of bird flu could be worse than ever

    Deadly bird flu can pass between ferrets through the air.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Animal study reveals how a fever early in pregnancy can cause birth defects

    Using chicken embryos, study shows that heat itself, not an infectious agent, is the driving factor behind certain heart and facial birth defects.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Moms tweak the timbre of their voice when talking to their babies

    Mothers shift the timbre, or quality, of their voice when talking to their babies, a change that happens in many different languages.

  5. Tech

    This stretchy implant could help kids avoid repeated open-heart surgeries

    A new type of surgical implant grows along with its recipient.

  6. Health & Medicine

    A universal flu shot may be nearing reality

    Scientists are developing a universal vaccine against flu, making annual shots a thing of the past.

  7. Life

    Gut fungi might be linked to obesity and inflammatory bowel disorders

    Fungi are overlooked contributors to health and disease.

  8. Chemistry

    A potential drug found in a sea creature can now be made efficiently in the lab

    Cooking bryostatin 1 up in a lab lets researchers explore its potential as a drug.

  9. Health & Medicine

    In many places around the world, obesity in kids is on the rise

    The last 40 years saw a big leap in obesity among children, totaling an estimated 124 million boys and girls in 2016.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Parenting advice gets a fact-check

    A new website called Parentifact attempts to fight parenting misinformation.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Luhan Yang strives to make pig organs safe for human transplants

    A bold approach to genome editing by biologist Luhan Yang could alleviate the shortage of organs and ease human suffering.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Six in seven contact lens wearers take unnecessary risks with their eyes

    A lot of contact wearers are not practicing healthy habits with their lenses, a national survey finds.
