
  1. Genetics

    Technique inactivates Down-causing chromosome

    Though far from a cure, the advance could eventually lead to gene therapy that alleviates some symptoms.

  2. Genetics

    Killer whales are (at least) two species

    Orca genetics highlights distinctions among groups that feed on different prey.

  3. Genetics

    Chromosome Variations

    Excerpt from the July 27, 1963, issue of Science News Letter

  4. Genetics


    Chromothripsis is the catastrophic shattering of a chromosome.

  5. Animals

    Now-extinct wolf may be ancestor of modern-day dogs

    No strong signs of canine ancestry among living grey wolves.

  6. Plants

    Giant genomes felled by DNA sequencing advances

    Complete genetic blueprints have been collected for several conifer species.

  7. Humans

    Highlights from the Biology of Genomes meeting

    Highlights from the genome biology meeting held May 7-11 in Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., include an enormous tree's enormous genome, genes for strong-swimming sperm, and back-to-Africa migration some 3,000 years ago.

  8. Genetics

    Frankenstein’s Cat

    Cuddling Up to Biotech's Brave New Beasts by Emily Anthes.

  9. Genetics

    From Great Grandma to You

    Epigenetic changes reach down through the generations.

  10. Genetics

    Rare disease sets mom’s research agenda

  11. Genetics

    Contest brings out the biohackers

    Mix one part enthusiasm, two parts engineering and three parts biology — and you’ve got a recipe for do-it-yourself genetic engineering. Every November, college kids from Michigan to Munich descend on MIT, eager to show off their biohacking skills. In the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition, teams battle one another to build the coolest synthetically altered organisms. If you want to create a microbe that will sniff out and destroy contaminants in mining waste ponds, or a cell that will produce drugs right in your body, iGEM is for you.

  12. Genetics

    Factory of Life

    Synthetic biologists reinvent nature with parts, circuits.
