
  1. Plants

    Why a parasitic vine can’t take a bite out of tomatoes

    Cultivated tomatoes fend off parasitic vines as they would microbes.

  2. Genetics

    Dolly the Sheep’s cloned sisters aging gracefully

    Cloning doesn’t cause premature aging in sheep.

  3. Genetics

    Evolution of gut bacteria tracks splits in primate species

    Primates and microbes have been splitting in sync for at least 10 million years.

  4. Genetics

    Swapping analogous genes no problem among species

    Many genes are interchangeable between yeast, bacteria, plants and humans.

  5. Genetics

    Herbicide no match for fruit flies’ gut microbes

    Friendly gut bacteria team up to break down herbicide that might otherwise harm fruit flies.

  6. Health & Medicine

    No one-fits-all healthy diet exists

    Mice’s response to diet varies with their genes.

  7. Genetics

    ‘Junk DNA’ has value for roundworms

    Some “junk DNA” may be necessary to keep genes active.

  8. Genetics

    Seeing the upside in gene drives’ fatal flaw

    Gene drives’ fatal flaw could be a bonus.

  9. Anthropology

    Two groups spread early agriculture

    The Fertile Crescent was a diverse place. Multiple cultures were involved in the dawn of farming.

  10. Life

    Donor mitochondria could influence metabolism, aging

    Mitochondrial DNA donation could have unexpected long-term health consequences for “three-parent babies.”

  11. Life

    Scientists find clue to why mitochondrial DNA comes only from mom

    Scientists have identified a protein that chops up the mitochondrial DNA in a dad’s sperm after it fertilizes an egg. The finding helps explain why mitochondrial DNA is usually passed on only by mothers.

  12. Animals

    City living shortens great tits’ telomeres

    Great tits raised in urban nests have shorter protective caps on their chromosomes than those raised in rural nests.
