
  1. Environment

    Dome effect leaves Chinese megacities under thick haze

    Airborne black carbon lowers an atmospheric boundary, trapping pollution around major cities and worsening air quality, researchers propose.

  2. Quantum Physics

    Finding wonders in fat

    In the latest issue of Science News, Editor in Chief Eva Emerson talks fat cells, thermodynamics, and lead poisoning.

  3. Animals

    Parasites help brine shrimp survive toxic waters

    When brine shrimp are infected with tapeworms, the tiny aquatic organisms survive better in warm waters and in those laced with toxic arsenic.

  4. Environment

    Low levels of radiation from Fukushima persist in seafood

    Aquatic species in Japan contain low levels of radioactive cesium, but some freshwater species risk high contamination.

  5. Environment

    California gas leak spewed massive amounts of methane

    New estimates suggest that a 2015 natural gas well blowout injected tons of greenhouse gases into the Los Angeles atmosphere.

  6. Oceans

    Gulf oil spill could hasten corrosion of shipwrecks

    Oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster could hasten the corrosion of historical shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico, new studies of marine microbes suggest.

  7. Agriculture

    FDA to test foods for controversial herbicide

    Amid controversy and conflicting studies, the FDA will test food for glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world.

  8. Environment

    Vaping linked to host of new health risks

    Animal studies and analyses of gene activity point to broad range of potential new health risks from vaping affecting everything from sperm to heart and immunity to mental health.

  9. Environment

    Urban heat islands exist even in the Arctic

    Arctic cities are a source of warming in the far north. Unlike midlatitude heat islands, poorly insulated buildings — not the sun — are a primary source.

  10. Earth

    Ocean’s plastics offer a floating fortress to a mess of microbes

    Microbes take up residence on ocean plastics, potentially causing changes in ocean environments.

  11. Environment

    Converted milk proteins clean pollution, strike gold

    A new membrane uses sticky amyloid proteins to trap contaminants in water.

  12. Agriculture

    Just adding pollinators could boost small-farm yields

    Adding pollinators could start closing gap in yields for small farms.
