
  1. Environment

    Bikini Atoll radiation levels remain alarmingly high

    Lingering radiation levels from nuclear bomb tests on Bikini Atoll are far higher than previously estimated.

  2. Animals

    Tiny plastics cause big problems for perch, lab study finds

    Researchers have linked microplastics to feeding behavior changes and development issues in Baltic Sea perch.

  3. Environment

    Tiny plastics cause big problems for perch

    Researchers have linked microplastics to feeding behavior changes and development issues in Baltic Sea perch.

  4. Environment

    Deepwater Horizon oil spill caused months-long ‘dirty blizzard’

    Pollution from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill accumulated on the seafloor for months after the leak was patched.

  5. Climate

    Climate-cooling aerosols can form from tree vapors

    Climate-cooling, cloud-seeding aerosols can form in the atmosphere without the sulfuric acid spewed from fossil fuel burning, new research suggests.

  6. Oceans

    Here’s where 17,000 ocean research buoys ended up

    A combined look at 35 years’ worth of ocean buoy movements reveals the currents that feed into ocean garbage patches.

  7. Environment

    When measuring lead in water, check the temperature

    Lead contamination in drinking water can be much higher during summer than winter, new research suggests.

  8. Environment

    U.S. oil and gas boom behind rising ethane levels

    Oil and gas operations on North Dakota’s Bakken shale are largely to blame for a recent rise in global emissions of the greenhouse gas ethane, researchers conclude.

  9. Climate

    Wildfire shifts could dump more ice-melting soot in Arctic

    Wildfires will emit more soot into the air in many regions by the end of the century, new simulations show.

  10. Environment

    EPA boosts estimate of U.S. methane emissions

    A new report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency revises the agency’s methane emission estimates upward by 3.4 million metric tons.

  11. Environment

    EPA underestimates methane emissions

    Methane estimates by the Environmental Protection Agency fail to capture the full scope of U.S. emissions of the greenhouse gas, studies show.

  12. Microbes

    This microbe makes a meal of plastic

    A newly identified bacterium can break down plastic waste.
