
  1. Ecosystems

    Killer Consequences: Has whaling driven orcas to a diet of sea lions?

    Killer whales may have been responsible for steep declines in seal, sea lion, and otter populations after whaling wiped out the great whales that killer whales had been eating.

  2. Ecosystems

    Risky High Life: Mountain creatures prove extra-vulnerable

    Some of the species hardest hit by climate change will be those living in particular mountain highlands.

  3. Ecosystems

    Shark Serengeti: Ocean predators have diversity hot spots

    The first search for oceanic spots of exceptional diversity in predators has turned up marine versions of the teeming Serengeti plains.

  4. Ecosystems

    Virtual skylarks suffer weed shortfall

    A new mathematical model raises the concern that switching to transgenic herbicide-tolerant crops could deprive birds of weed seeds.

  5. Ecosystems

    Zebra mussels to the rescue

    Bioengineers have harnessed zebra mussels to help avert algal blooms by cleaning particles, including algae, from the water.

  6. Ecosystems

    At a Snail’s Place: Rock climbing cuts mollusk diversity

    As rock climbing soars in popularity, some cliff-side snail populations may be crashing.

  7. Ecosystems

    Cultivating Weeds

    Some formerly mild-mannered plants turn into horticultural bullies when planted far outside their native range.

  8. Ecosystems

    Spring Forward

    Scientists who study biological responses to seasonal and climatic changes have noted that the annual cycles for many organisms are beginning earlier on average, as global temperatures rise.

  9. Ecosystems

    After Invasions: Can an ant takeover change the rules?

    A rare before-and-after study of a takeover by an invasive ant species shows the interloper quickly disassembling the basic rules of the invaded community.

  10. Ecosystems

    Lab ecosystems show signs of evolving

    An ambitious test of group selection considers whether natural selection can act on whole ecosystems as evolutionary units.

  11. Ecosystems

    Ultimate Sea Weed Loose in America

    The unusually invasive strain of seaweed that has been smothering coastal areas of the Mediterranean has shown up in a California lagoon, the first sighting of this ecologically devastating alga in the Americas.

  12. Ecosystems

    Why didn’t the beetle cross the road?

    Beetle populations confined to specific forest areas by roads seem to have lost some of their genetic diversity.
