
  1. Ecosystems

    Cannibalistic mantis invades New Zealand, eats natives

    Native male New Zealand mantises try to mate with females of an invasive species, only to find out the hard way that those females eat their mates.

  2. Ecosystems

    Virus-blocking insects taking over Vietnamese island

    Field trial tests mosquitoes that may stop the spread of dengue infection.

  3. Animals

    Clearly new snail

    Croatia’s deepest cave system is home to a tiny, translucent resident.

  4. Life

    Morel mushroom may grow crop of its own

    A fungus could be a farmer itself, sowing, cultivating and harvesting bacteria.

  5. Ecosystems

    Light pollution takes a toll on the aquatic food web

  6. Ecosystems

    Feces in termites’ nests block biological pest control

    Built-in poop nourishes bacteria that protect notorious Formosan species.

  7. Ecosystems

    Aging European forests full to the brim with carbon

    Trees' capacity to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is dwindling.

  8. Paleontology

    Dinosaur had impressive schnoz

    Fossils found in Utah reveal geographic segregation of horned species.

  9. Plants

    Mosses frozen in time come back to life

    Buried under a glacier for hundreds of years, plants regrow in the lab.

  10. Life

    Microbes flourish at deepest ocean site

    At the bottom of the Mariana Trench, eleven kilometers down, bacteria prosper despite crushing pressure and isolation.

  11. Animals

    Native pollinators boost crop yields worldwide

    Farms with crops from coffee to mangoes don’t get the best yields if they rely solely on honeybees.

  12. Humans

    U.S. team breaks through subglacial lake

    Testing should continue for a day or more, probing for life in the Antarctic depths.
