
  1. Plants

    How to keep seagrasses as happy as a clam

    Drought can do more damage to seagrass meadows if their partnership with clams break down.

  2. Oceans

    Swirls of plankton decorate the Arabian Sea

    The dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans is taking over in the Arabian Sea, posing a potential threat to its ecosystem.

  3. Animals

    Mite-virus alliance could be bringing down honeybees

    Parasitic mites and a virus have a mutually beneficial alliance while attacking honeybees.

  4. Oceans

    Magnetism from underwater power cables doesn’t deter sea life

    High-voltage power cables that ferry electricity across the seafloor do not negatively impact local fish and crabs, new studies show.

  5. Astronomy

    In all sorts of circumstances, life finds a way

    Editor in Chief discusses the new marine habitats formed by human pollution and the alarming rise of the Zika virus.

  6. Earth

    Ocean’s plastics offer a floating fortress to a mess of microbes

    Microbes take up residence on ocean plastics, potentially causing changes in ocean environments.

  7. Animals

    Harvester ants are restless, enigmatic architects

    Florida harvester ants dig complex, curly nests over, then leave and do it again.

  8. Climate

    Phytoplankton rapidly disappearing from the Indian Ocean

    Phytoplankton populations in the Indian Ocean fell 30 percent over the last 16 years largely due to global warming, new research suggests.

  9. Agriculture

    Just adding pollinators could boost small-farm yields

    Adding pollinators could start closing gap in yields for small farms.

  10. Oceans

    Phytoplankton flunk photosynthesis efficiency test

    Nutrient-poor ocean waters make phytoplankton photosynthesis inefficient

  11. Climate

    Arctic passageways let species mingle

    People aren’t the only animals likely to use passages that open up as the Arctic melts.

  12. Animals

    Year in review: Woes of artificial lighting add up for wildlife

    Studies published this year add dodging death, flirting and mothering to the tasks that artificial light can discombobulate in wild animals.
