
  1. Life

    Studying cheese reveals how microbes interact

    Microbiologist Rachel Dutton uses cheese rinds to study how microbes form communities.

  2. Ecosystems

    Heat may outpace corals’ ability to cope

    Corals may soon lose their ability to withstand warming waters.

  3. Animals

    Pied flycatchers cruise nonstop for days to cross the Sahara

    Teeny, tiny passerine birds called pied flycatchers fly day and night during their annual migration south across the Sahara.

  4. Animals

    Ant antennae provide chemical ID

    Ants use their antennae to identify nest-mates and potential invaders. But antennae also produce the key compounds that ants use to tell friend from foe.

  5. Animals

    Ants’ antennae both send and receive chemical signals

    Ants use their antennae to identify nest-mates and potential invaders. But antennae also produce the key compounds that ants use to tell friend from foe.

  6. Animals

    Lethal bat disease moves west

    For the first time, the bat-killing white-nose syndrome shows up west of the Rockies.

  7. Animals

    White-nose bat disease jumps the Rockies to Washington state

    For the first time, the bat-killing white-nose syndrome shows up west of the Rockies.

  8. Animals

    Female burying beetle uses chemical cue to douse love life

    While raising their young, burying beetle mothers produce a chemical compound that limits their male partner’s desire to mate.

  9. Ecosystems

    Australian fairy circles first to be found outside Africa

    Strange patterns of grassland bald spots called fairy circles show up in Western Australia.

  10. Ecosystems

    FDA predicts no significant environmental impact from GM mosquitoes

    The FDA has taken a step in the process of deciding whether to allow the first test release in the United States of genetically modified mosquitoes to fight diseases such as Zika.

  11. Plants

    How to keep seagrasses as happy as a clam

    Drought can do more damage to seagrass meadows if their partnership with clams break down.

  12. Oceans

    Swirls of plankton decorate the Arabian Sea

    The dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans is taking over in the Arabian Sea, posing a potential threat to its ecosystem.
