
  1. Animals

    Diversity of indoor insects, spiders adds to life’s luxuries in high-income neighborhoods

    A massive survey of indoor spiders and insects in town finds dozens of different scientific families in homes, more in high-income neighborhoods.

  2. Animals

    How Houdini tadpoles escape certain death

    High-speed video of red-eyed tree frog embryos reveals the secrets to their getaway plans.

  3. Animals

    Newly discovered big-headed ants use spines for support

    Two newly discovered ant species provide new insights into spiny evolution.

  4. Oceans

    Sea ice algae drive the Arctic food web

    Even organisms that don’t depend on sea ice depend on sea ice algae, a new study finds. But Arctic sea ice is disappearing.

  5. Life

    Yeasts hide in many lichen partnerships

    Yeasts newly discovered in common lichens challenge more than a century of thinking about what defines the lichen symbiosis.

  6. Animals

    To douse hot hives, honeybee colonies launch water squadrons

    The whole superorganism of a honeybee colony has sophisticated ways of cooling down.

  7. Animals

    Some primates prefer nectar with a bigger alcohol kick

    Aye-ayes and slow lorises may be able to discern the alcohol content of boozy nectar and go for more potent drinks.

  8. Science & Society

    GM mosquitoes succeed at reducing dengue, company says

    GM mosquito releases in Brazil have helped cut dengue cases 91 percent in a year.

  9. Animals

    Frigate birds fly nonstop for months

    The great frigate bird can fly for up to two months without landing, thanks to a boost from wind and clouds.

  10. Oceans

    Deep-sea hydrothermal vents more abundant than thought

    Ecosystem-supporting hydrothermal vents are much more abundant along the ocean floor than previously thought.

  11. Plants

    Scary tomato appears to bleed

    A new species of Australian bush tomato bleeds when injured and turns bony in old age.

  12. Ecosystems

    Ocean plankton held hostage by pirate viruses

    The most abundant photosynthesizers on Earth stop storing carbon when they catch a virus.
