
  1. Life

    A deadly fungus is infecting snake species seemingly at random

    A fungal disease doesn’t appear to discriminate among snake species, suggesting many of the reptiles may be at risk.

  2. Climate

    The Larsen C ice shelf break has sparked groundbreaking research

    The hubbub over the iceberg that broke off Larsen C may have died down, but scientists are just getting warmed up to study the aftermath.

  3. Animals

    Once settled, immigrants play important guard roles in mongoose packs

    Dwarf mongoose packs ultimately benefit from taking in immigrants, but there’s an assimilation period.

  4. Animals

    Most blue whales are ‘righties,’ except for this one move

    Though many blue whales tend to be “right-handed” when hunting for krill, one specific barrel roll move requires a lefty twist.

  5. Ecosystems

    Invasive species are a growing global threat

    'The Aliens Among Us' describes how invasive species are colonizing — and disrupting — ecosystems worldwide.

  6. Paleontology

    What male bias in the mammoth fossil record says about the animal’s social groups

    Male woolly mammoths were more often caught in natural traps that preserved their remains, DNA evidence suggests.

  7. Animals

    Here’s the real story on jellyfish taking over the world

    In 'Spineless,' a former marine scientist reconnects with the seas and science through her obsession with these enigmatic creatures.

  8. Life

    How bird feeders may be changing great tits’ beaks

    Longer beaks may be evolving in U.K. great tits because of the widespread use of bird feeders in the country.

  9. Animals

    This newfound hermit crab finds shelter in corals, not shells

    A newly discovered hermit crab takes its cue from peanut worms and uses walking corals as a permanent shelter.

  10. Climate

    Rising temperatures threaten heat-tolerant aardvarks

    Aardvarks may get a roundabout hit from climate change — less food.

  11. Animals

    Invasive earthworms may be taking a toll on sugar maples

    Sugar maple trees in the Upper Great Lakes region are more likely to have dying branches when there are signs of an earthworm invasion, a new study finds.

  12. Animals

    Why midsize animals are the fastest

    New analysis delves into the mystery of why medium-sized animals are speedier than bigger ones.
