
  1. Animals

    Why one biologist chases hurricanes to study spider evolution

    For more rigorous spider data, Jonathan Pruitt rushes into the paths of hurricanes.

  2. Earth

    Climate misinformation may be thriving on YouTube, a social scientist warns

    Analyzing 200 climate-related videos on YouTube shows that a majority challenge widely accepted views about climate change and climate engineering.

  3. Earth

    Fluid in superdeep diamonds may be from some of Earth’s oldest unchanged material

    Primordial rock deep in the mantle and dating to just after Earth’s formation could yield insights about the planet’s formation and evolution

  4. Earth

    The worst wildfires can send smoke high enough to affect the ozone layer

    Pyrocumulonimbus clouds can send soot and other damaging particles 23 kilometers into the air

  5. Earth

    One in 4 people lives in places at high risk of running out of water

    An update to the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas reveals that 17 countries withdraw more than 80 percent of water available yearly.

  6. Climate

    Mercury levels in fish are rising despite reduced emissions

    Climate change and overfishing can increase how much mercury accumulates in fish, counteracting efforts to reduce human-caused emissions.

  7. Science & Society

    With nowhere to hide from rising seas, Boston prepares for a wetter future

    Boston has armed itself with a science-driven master plan to protect itself from increasingly inevitable storm surges and rising seas.

  8. Science & Society

    How the 5 riskiest U.S. cities for coastal flooding are preparing for rising tides

    The five U.S. cities most at risk of coastal flooding from rising sea levels are in various stages of preparedness.

  9. Earth

    A new map is the best view yet of how fast Antarctica is shedding ice

    Stitching together data from several satellite missions allowed scientists to create the most comprehensive map of Antarctic ice flow ever.

  10. Earth

    Decades of dumping acid suggest acid rain may make trees thirstier

    Acidified soil loses calcium, which can affect trees’ ability to hang on to water.

  11. Climate

    The Arctic is burning and Greenland is melting, thanks to record heat

    A heat wave is melting Greenland’s ice and fueling blazes across the Arctic that are pumping record amounts of carbon dioxide into the air.

  12. Tech

    Tiny magnetic coils could help break down microplastic pollution

    Carbon nanotubes designed to release plastic-eroding chemicals could clear the long-lasting trash from waterways.
