
  1. Climate

    Climate models agree things will get bad. Capturing just how bad is tricky

    Climate models are better than ever at simulating complex interactions between ocean, air, ice and land. But scientists still aren’t really sure what the worst-case scenario might be for Earth’s future climate.

  2. Earth

    Climate change is bringing earlier springs, which may trigger drier summers

    An earlier than normal start to spring foliage is associated with drier soils come summer across much, but not all, of the Northern Hemisphere.

  3. Earth

    Debate over signs of early life inspires dueling teams to go to Greenland — together

    The remote site — which may or may not contain evidence of the most ancient life on Earth — could help scientists plan how to study such signs on Mars.

  4. Life

    Ocean acidification could degrade sharks’ tough skin

    Nine weeks of exposure to acidic seawater corroded the toothlike denticles that make up a puffadder shyshark’s skin, a small experiment found.

  5. Earth

    Climate change may be why birds are migrating earlier across the United States

    Birds are migrating earlier in recent decades in the United States, which could disrupt feeding or nesting cycles.

  6. Animals

    A year of big numbers startled the world into talking about nature

    One million species are at risk. Three billion birds have been lost. Plus surges in Amazon burning.

  7. Climate

    Record-breaking heat amplified waves of student climate protests in 2019

    While the world experienced record-breaking heat, Greta Thunberg and other activists pushed decision makers to take climate change seriously.

  8. Earth

    Flooding Earth’s atmosphere with oxygen may not have needed a triggering event

    Building an oxygen-rich world doesn’t require volcanism, supercontinent breakups or the rise of land plants — just nutrient cycling, a study finds.

  9. Climate

    How the Arctic’s poor health affects everyday life

    A new NOAA report features testimony from indigenous communities in Alaska who are weathering the impacts of Arctic warming.

  10. Earth

    Fingerprints of climate change are increasingly appearing in extreme weather

    A new report finds evidence that some of 2018’s extreme weather events were linked to human-caused climate change.

  11. Climate

    See how an Alaskan glacier has shrunk over time

    Scientists have created a time-lapse series of images of the retreat of an Alaskan glacier using NASA and U.S. Geological Survey Landsat data.

  12. Ecosystems

    A newly found Atacama Desert soil community survives on sips of fog

    Lichens and other fungi and algae unite to form “grit-crust” on the dry soil of Chile’s Atacama Desert and survive on moisture from coastal fog.
