
  1. Oceans

    Stealthy robots with microphones could improve maps of ocean noise

    Recordings from underwater microphones on stealthy robotic gliders could create a better “soundscape” of noises throughout the ocean, researchers say.

  2. Earth

    Climate-warming CO₂ emissions will hit a record high in 2019

    Despite countries adopting renewable power sources and coal use falling slightly, oil and gas use are pushing global carbon dioxide emissions to record heights.

  3. Climate

    Countries urgently need to ramp up emissions cuts to meet climate targets

    A new U.N. report finds that pledged emissions cuts aren’t nearly enough to limit warming to “well below” 2 degrees Celsius by 2100.

  4. Earth

    Critics say an EPA rule may restrict science used for public health regulations

    Editors of six major scientific journals argue that a rule proposed by the U.S. EPA may keep key data from factoring into environmental regulations.

  5. Climate

    Most Americans now see signs of climate change where they live

    In a Pew Research survey, most Americans said the U.S. government isn’t doing enough to counter climate change amid local weather extremes.

  6. Climate

    50 years ago, scientists puzzled over a slight global cooling

    Five decades ago, scientists were puzzled over a slight dip in global temperatures. Today we know it was just a blip, and that Earth’s climate is warming thanks to industrial activity over the last century.

  7. Climate

    The loss of ‘eternal ice’ threatens Mongolian reindeer herders’ way of life

    Mongolian reindeer herders help scientists piece together the loss of the region’s vital “eternal ice” patches.

  8. Climate

    5 things to know about fighting climate change by planting trees

    One group’s idea of planting vast swaths of trees to curb climate change exaggerates the proposal’s power to trap carbon, some argue.

  9. Climate

    California landfills are belching high levels of climate-warming methane

    Airborne remote sensing spots the Golden State’s biggest emitters of the potent greenhouse gas from the sky.

  10. Earth

    Plastics outnumber baby fish 7-to-1 in some coastal nurseries

    Ocean slicks serve as calm, food-rich nurseries for larval fish. A new study shows that slicks also accumulate plastics, which get eaten by baby fish.

  11. Animals

    Power lines may mess with honeybees’ behavior and ability to learn

    Under power lines, honeybees might suffer neurological effects from exposure to electromagnetic fields.

  12. Earth

    Geology, not CO2, controlled monsoon intensity in Asia’s ancient past

    For millions of years, shifting geologic plates — not carbon dioxide levels —held the most sway over the intensity of Asia’s seasonal winds and rains.
