Cow Power
To improve the dire economics of dairying, some farmers are looking to generate commercial quantities of electric power.
By Janet Raloff -
Farm salmon spread deadly lice
In the Pacific Northwest, sea lice that spread from cultivated salmon to their wild counterparts have become major parasites affecting the wild population.
By Ben Harder -
The African source of the Amazon’s fertilizer
More than half of the airborne dust that provides vital nutrients to the Amazonian rainforest comes from a small corner of the Sahara.
By Sid Perkins -
Dashing Rogues
Rogue waves, which tower over the waves that surround them, are probably more common than scientists had previously suspected.
By Sid Perkins -
Not So Clean: Service industries emit greenhouse gases too
Service industries such as the retail trade are creating just as much planet-warming carbon dioxide as the manufacture and operation of motor vehicles do.
By Sid Perkins -
New Estimates of the Shark-Fin Trade
A new study of the Asian fish market yields a disturbing estimate of how many sharks are killed each year to satisfy demand for a pricy Asian soup.
By Janet Raloff -
Flow West, Young River: Ancient Amazon ran opposite today’s route
The forerunner of the mighty Amazon ran from east to west, a new analysis of rocks laid down by that ancient river suggests.
By Sid Perkins -
Encyclopedia of Earth
The Encyclopedia of Earth is an online source of environmental information that features objective, authoritative articles written and reviewed by an international community of experts. Topics range from absorption of toxicants and biodiversity to wind farms and zero-point energy. Entries often include images and references. Go to:
By Science News -
A Whale’s Tale: Puzzling marine compounds are natural
Antique whale oil shows that some mysterious compounds that resemble DDT and PCBs are naturally produced.
Waters near croplands impair frogs’ immunity
Pesticide-containing waters leave frogs more susceptible to fungal infections than pristine environments do.
By Ben Harder -
Nearly Naked: Large swath of Pacific lacks seafloor sediment
Little or no sediment has accumulated on a broad patch of ocean bottom in the remote South Pacific, the result of a combination of factors that probably can't be found anywhere else on Earth.
By Sid Perkins -
Ancient hot spell is linked to copious carbon dioxide
A mineral that formed in some lakes during a lengthy and particularly warm period in Earth's past suggests that atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide were at that time at least triple those found in today's air.
By Sid Perkins