
  1. Earth

    Natural Hazards

    The U.S. Geological Survey has launched a new Web site about the threat of natural disasters. It provides seven easy-to-understand fact sheets on earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslides, tsunamis, volcanoes, and wildfires. The site also highlights resources and information available from the USGS and provides links to individual hazards Web pages for more detailed information. Go […]

  2. Agriculture

    Big footprints

    Livestock production carries surprisingly high, and largely hidden, environmental costs.

  3. Earth

    Yes, it’s asbestos

    Federal mineralogists have corroborated earlier evidence that Sierra-foothills communities around Sacramento, Calif., are built atop soils naturally laced with asbestos.

  4. Earth

    Meteorites on Ice

    Join a recent expedition to the Antarctic to search for meteorites. Check out reports from the 2006-2007 trek in the daily expedition blog. Go to: and

  5. Earth

    Scraping the bottom

    A survey of deep waters in western Lake Superior has revealed the tracks left by massive icebergs scraping bottom there during the last ice age.

  6. Earth

    Glaciers give major boost to sea level

    The ongoing disappearance of glaciers and other small ice masses worldwide makes a larger contribution to sea level rise than the melting of ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica does.

  7. Earth

    Dating a massive undersea slide

    Pieces of moss buried in debris left along the Norwegian coast by an ancient tsunami have enabled geologists to better determine the date of the immense underwater landslide that triggered the inundation.

  8. Earth

    Irony on High: Global warming cools, thins upper atmosphere

    Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the air, which cause temperatures at Earth’s surface to warm, will turn the upper layers of the atmosphere cooler and thinner in coming decades, new research suggests. This counterintuitive phenomenon, first predicted in the late 1980s and recently inferred from satellite data, will probably lead […]

  9. Earth

    Rocking the House

    A recent test that simulated the effect of a magnitude-6.7 earthquake on a full-size, wood-frame townhouse may help engineers and analysts design more earthquake-resistant homes. With sound and video.

  10. Earth

    Spread Out: Organic matter scatters carbon nanotubes in water

    Although carbon nanotubes usually clump in water, they readily disperse when the water contains natural organic matter.

  11. Earth

    Pesticides mimic estrogen in shellfish

    Two common water pollutants can function in shellfish as estrogen does, but they have different behavioral effects on two species.

  12. Earth

    Sustainable Table

    Created by the GrassRoots Action Center for the Environment (GRACE), this Web site aims to help consumers understand problems with the nation’s food supply and offer viable solutions and alternatives. It provides an introduction to the burgeoning sustainable food movement and information about organizations, people, and programs that are trying to change the way people […]
