
  1. Earth

    On the rocks

    New research explains why a cancer-causing form of chromium has been turning up in ground and surface waters far from industrial sources.

  2. Earth

    Increase in chemical disposals

    Industrial facilities in the United States released more than 4 billion pounds of chemicals into the environment in 2005, according to the Environmental Protection Agency's Toxics Release Inventory.

  3. Earth

    Greaseball Challenge

    And they’re off! The participants in this charity biofuel car rally are on their way from the U.S. East Coast to San Jose, Costa Rica. Powered by biodiesel, vegetable oil, waste grease, and other alternative fuels, the vehicles will all be donated to local communities at the end of the rally, which runs until April […]

  4. Earth

    On the move

    A new study suggests how prions, the infectious agents that cause such disorders as chronic wasting disease, behave in soil and landfills.

  5. Earth

    New solutions for unused drugs

    Pharmacists and federal scientists have launched a program to discourage consumers from flushing unused prescription drugs down the toilet.

  6. Earth

    Freeze-thaw cycles: How not to mix soil

    The repeated cycles of ground freezing and thawing that occur in many places don't do a surprising poor job of churning the soil.

  7. Earth

    Wave’s-eye view of a hurricane

    Strong hurricanes aren't as effective at transmitting their energy to the ocean's surface as weak ones are, a counterintuitive finding that may help researchers estimate the size of storm surges.

  8. Earth

    Pollution Fallout: Are unattractive males Great-gram’s fault?

    Pollutant exposures in rodents can have behavioral repercussions that persist generation after generation.

  9. Earth

    Fits and Starts

    New data identify some factors that influence the highly variable flow rates of ice streams, the megaglaciers that carry most of Antarctica's ice to the sea.

  10. Earth

    Young and Restless: Ancient Earth shows moving crust

    The oldest rocks in the world show that Earth's shifting crust began its tectonic movements almost 4 billion years ago.

  11. Earth

    World’s climate map gets an update

    A century-old system of categorizing the world's climates has been updated to include modern weather data, thereby providing researchers with a tool to better verify results of their computer simulations.

  12. Earth

    More Than Monarchs

    More Than exists to raise awareness about the devastating impact of illegal logging on the environment and local communities in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in central Mexico. The Web site provides a platform for villagers, community leaders, government officials, and other people to communicate and collaborate toward ending the destruction of forests that […]
