Traffic hydrocarbons linked to lower IQs in kids
Prenatal exposures to common air pollutants correlate with a drop in intelligence scores.
By Janet Raloff -
Pollution vs health reform
Health care reform should include investments in measures that curb the pervasive pollution contributing to costly disability and disease.
By Janet Raloff -
Lopsided lights
Simultaneous snapshots reveal that northern and southern auroras aren’t always alike.
By Sid Perkins -
A hundred new nukes?
Here are some issues to contemplate while deciding whether to welcome the nuclear-power renaissance that Sen. Alexander has just proposed.
By Janet Raloff -
Signs of ancient sea ice
New analyses of Arctic seafloor sediments suggest floating ice debuted in the ocean at least 47.5 million years ago.
By Sid Perkins -
Arctic images declassified
High-res Arctic sea images should be declassified, says National Research Council.
Bird deaths blamed on vitamin deficiency
Shortage of thiamine may have been killing birds in the Baltic and possibly elsewhere for some 25 years.
By Susan Milius -
Erosion, on the down low
Experiments show how microscopic fungi attack minerals to begin the erosion process.
By Sid Perkins -
What’s in your bottled water?
A congressional hearing found bottled-water quality is not regulated as strictly as tap water is.
By Janet Raloff -
Court backs EPA on controlling airborne particles
Upwind polluters can be held responsible for contributing to downwinders' violations of air-pollution standards.
By Janet Raloff -
Megafish Sleuth: No Steve Irwin
There's no reason a scientist can't be an action hero — even if his damsels in distress have fins.
By Janet Raloff -
Monster stingrays: Field notes from a global wrangler
A megafish biologist shares what he's learning about a rare freshwater species.
By Janet Raloff