Planetary Science
Celestial population boom
Large meteoroids are probably more common than telescopic surveys suggest, new analyses find.
By Sid Perkins -
Unusual advances
New glacier model helps explain how ice masses can grow even in a generally warming climate.
By Sid Perkins -
Sun is setting on incandescent era
After more than a century, Edison's light bulbs stand poised to go extinct.
By Janet Raloff -
Cash for clunkers II: Appliances
States could soon roll out programs that help consumers replace energy hogging home appliances.
By Janet Raloff -
Oh, rats — there go the snails
A food fad among introduced rats has apparently crashed a once-thriving population of Hawaii’s famed endemic tree snails.
By Susan Milius -
A trip to the garbage patch
Scientists bring back samples from the oceanic garbage patch off the coast of California.
Nitrous oxide fingered as monster ozone slayer
Nitrous oxide has become the leading threat to the future integrity of stratospheric ozone, scientists report.
By Janet Raloff -
Styrofoam degrades in seawater
Study suggests besides the visible plastic, smaller bits are fouling the waters
Scanning the land
Quake data analyses yield an improved model of Southern California’s crust.
By Sid Perkins -
Back off, extinct moa
A New Zealand tree’s peculiar leaves may have served as defenses against long-gone giant birds.
By Susan Milius -
Vocal abilities lost, found and drowned out
Reports from the meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union
By Susan Milius