
  1. Earth

    Mangroves do a coast good

    Left intact, dense swaths of trees can reduce tsunami damage, a new study suggests.

  2. Earth

    Africa’s bumper crop of dust

    Seafloor sediments show that agriculture has greatly boosted airborne dust in the last two centuries.

  3. Climate

    New carbon data should produce better climate forecasts

    BLOG: More refined measurements for carbon dioxide input by plants and carbon dioxide released during respiration will help models, Science News editor in chief Tom Siegfried reports from the Euroscience Open Forum 2010 in Turin, Italy.

  4. Climate

    Methane releases in arctic seas could wreak devastation

    Warming climate could lead to dead zones, acidification and shifts at the base of the ocean’s food chain.

  5. Earth

    African fossils suggest complex life arose early

    Researchers find evidence that Earth’s earliest multicellular life got going 2.1 billion years ago.

  6. Earth

    Moby Dick meets Jaws

    A recently discovered fossil demonstrates that giant whales weren’t always as gentle as they are today.

  7. Earth

    Ivy nanoparticles promise sunblocks and other green products

    I’ve developed a love-hate relationship with English ivy that’s been devolving towards hate-hate. But a new paper may temper my antipathy. Apparently this backyard bully also offers a kinder, gentler alternative to the potentially toxic metal-based nanoparticles used in today’s sunscreens.

  8. Earth

    Antarctic shoal breaks the ice

    Instruments on a massive berg help pinpoint a previously unreported undersea ridge.

  9. Animals

    Climate change may favor couch-potato elk

    With drought and rising temperatures in Wyoming, migratory animals suffer while stay-at-home members of the same herd thrive

  10. Earth

    Even a newborn canyon is big in Texas

    A flood carved a surprisingly large gorge that may help understand features on Earth and Mars.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Feds probe Gulf spill health risks

    The Institute of Medicine will be hosting a small public workshop in New Orleans, June 22 and 23, on possible health risks to Gulf coast residents and workers in the wake of the catastrophic BP oil spill. A June 16 congressional hearing previewed some of the concerns likely to arise at the meeting. They ranged from potential long-terms risks of DNA damage to claims that BP failed to provide protective gear to contract crews hired to clean up oil.

  12. Earth

    Loop Current will determine spill’s ultimate fate

    Oceanographers track a newly formed eddy in the Gulf of Mexico and where it might carry oil.
