
  1. Science & Society

    Methane from BP spill goes missing

    Latest sampling suggests either that microbes have already devoured the most abundant hydrocarbon produced by the leak — or that researchers have simply lost track of it.

  2. Paleontology

    An ammonite’s last supper

    A detailed X-ray image of a fossil reveals an ancient marine creature’s diet.

  3. Paleontology

    Oceans may have poisoned early animals

    High sulfur and low oxygen produced a deadly brew nearly 500 million years ago that apparently stalled a burst of evolutionary change.

  4. Life

    Flower sharing may be unsafe for bees

    Wild pollinators are catching domesticated honeybee viruses, possibly by touching the same pollen.

  5. Earth

    Bugged forests bad for climate

    Trees savaged by pine beetles are slow to recover their ecological function as greenhouse gas sponges.

  6. Earth

    Climate action could save polar bears

    Cutting fossil fuel emissions soon would retain enough sea ice habitat for threatened species, scientists say.

  7. Earth

    Gassy volcanoes tied to mass extinction

    Chemicals from a massive Siberian eruption 250 million years ago may have polluted the atmosphere and killed off most life on the planet.

  8. Humans

    Apartments share tobacco smoke

    Children in nonsmoking families have higher levels of secondhand exposure if they live in multifamily dwellings.

  9. Earth

    Clouds warm things up

    Satellite data from the last decade put hard numbers on a key and little-understood climate player.

  10. Tech

    Dirty money 2: Expect traces of BPA

    BPA showed up on 21 of the 22 greenbacks surveyed in a new study. And the clean dollar? It appeared quite new, suggesting that dollars only become contaminated as they circulate.

  11. Earth

    Icequake swarms portend some avalanches

    By keeping an ear to the ice, scientists can predict impending glacial crack-ups two weeks in advance.

  12. Tech

    Heavier crudes, heavier footprints

    BLOG: Refining heavy oils and tar sands could greatly exaggerate the greenhouse gases associated with fossil-fuel use, a new study finds.
