
  1. Humans

    Harappans may have lived, died by monsoon

    Waning of seasonal rains over millennia gave rise to a civilization and then doomed it, a new study suggests.

  2. Climate

    Rising CO2 promotes weedy rice

    There has been a lot of research, recently, showing how global change — especially warming — can alter the habitat and preferred range of marine and terrestrial species. But rising levels of greenhouse gases can also, directly, do a number on agricultural ecosystems, a new study shows. At least for U.S.-grown rice, rising carbon dioxide levels give a preferential reproductive advantage to the weedy natural form — known colloquially as red rice (for the color of its seed coat).

  3. Life

    Delay of bloom blamed on climate change

    Flowers that appear immune to global warming in spring may simply be taking a cue from the previous warmer autumn.

  4. Earth

    Pumping groundwater raises sea level

    Two new studies flag an underreported factor in global ocean change.

  5. Life

    Climate change miscues may shrink species’ outer limits

    Ecological partnerships are getting out of sync especially at high latitudes, a study of hummingbirds suggests.

  6. Humans

    Redefining ‘concern’ over lead

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced May 16 that it would no longer designate any particular blood-lead value in children as representing a “level of concern.” Its justification: There is no threshold below which lead exposures are not a concern.

  7. Earth

    Natural sinks still sopping up carbon

    Ecosystems haven’t yet maxed out their ability to absorb fossil fuel emissions, new calculations suggest.

  8. Life

    Climate change may leave many mammals homeless

    In some places over the next century, projected warming threatens the survival of more than one in three species.

  9. Earth

    Big Antarctic ice sheet appears doomed

    Warming climate is expected to trigger the sudden retreat of a partially floating glacier on the continent’s western side by 2100.

  10. Oceans

    Director’s exploration of the abyss goes deeper than Hollywood glitz

  11. Earth

    Study keeps pace with Greenland glaciers

    Herky-jerky motion of the island’s ice suggests that melting ice is unlikely to contribute to dramatic sea level rise this century, but the news isn’t all good.

  12. Earth

    Oceans’ salinity changed over last half-century

    Warmer atmosphere may be to blame for changes in the water cycle.
