
  1. Earth

    Fish in mom’s diet may alter kids’ behavior

    Eating fish that's low in mercury during pregnancy may reduce the risk that a woman's child shows signs of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

  2. Life

    Duck-billed dino could slice and dice

    Ancient animal’s teeth were made of six different tissue types.

  3. Earth

    Bad days for dinosaurs began long before the last of them died

  4. Earth

    Intraplate quakes signal tectonic breakup

    The unusual April temblors are the latest in a massive energy release that is cleaving the Indo-Australian crustal plate in two.

  5. Oceans


    The Story of the Remarkable Woman Who Mapped the Ocean Floor by Hali Felt.

  6. Earth

    Earth & Environment

    Soot’s contributions to global warming may be overestimated, and unusual source of oceans’ methane discovered.

  7. Earth

    Arctic sea ice hits record low, and keeps going

    A summer storm and thinner ice probably contributed to this year’s massive melt.

  8. Earth

    The facts behind the frack

    The gas, primarily methane, is cheap and relatively clean. Because America is brimful of the stuff, harvesting the fuel via fracking could provide the country jobs and reduce its dependence on foreign sources of energy.

  9. Earth

    Himalayan melt may be less than thought

    Satellite data suggest net ice loss has been modest.

  10. Earth

    Nanosized pollutants pose crop risks

    Nanoparticles in exhaust and common consumer products can end up in soil and harm the growth and health of crops.

  11. Earth

    When studying a monster volcano, poke softly with a sensitive stick

  12. Earth

    Antibacterial agent can weaken muscle

    Triclosan impairs the power of the heart and other muscles in two species and at relatively low doses.
