
  1. Climate

    Climate change goes to extremes

    Some recent weird weather tied to warming.

  2. Science & Society

    Descending to the Challenger Deep

    Director James Cameron reveals the science of his deep-sea exploration.

  3. Life

    Among bass, easiest to catch are best dads

    Recreational fishing may be inadvertent evolutionary force, favoring cautious fish over better caretakers of the young.

  4. Life

    Immune disease an added blow to fungus-ridden bat populations

    Rare immune complication previously seen only in people devastates animals that had appeared to evade white nose syndrome.

  5. Earth

    Grand Canyon could be much older than thought

    Disputed dating of rock erosion pegs the ancient chasm as 70 million years old.

  6. Earth

    Shrinking polar ice caused one-fifth of sea level rise

    Comprehensive analysis quantifies ice sheet loss in Greenland and Antarctica.

  7. Life

    Trees worldwide a sip away from dehydration

    Plumbing systems operate on a razor’s edge, making even moist forests highly vulnerable to drought.

  8. Earth

    Mexican silver made it into English coins

    Chemical tests of currency help reveal where New World riches flowed.

  9. Earth

    Gulf spill harmed small fish, studies indicate

    Effects vary but dire impacts seen with some very low exposures.

  10. Earth

    Global drought may have changed less than thought

    Simple models have overestimated drying over past 60 years.

  11. Earth

    Pandas’ home range may move as climate changes

    Warming might force animals’ food source, bamboo, to higher elevations.

  12. Life

    Seaweed-threatened corals send chemical SOS to fish

    The cry for help summons allies to graze away the algal overgrowth.
