
  1. Earth

    Emissions could fuel global warming for millennia

    Climate simulation projects effects of greenhouse gases farther into the future than ever before.

  2. Earth

    Magma can speed to the surface, powering volcanoes

    Fast ascent of molten rock could help scientists predict eruptions.

  3. Climate

    Wetter permafrost clings to carbon better

    In 12-year lab study, moist soil samples released less greenhouse gas as they warmed.

  4. Environment

    Atomic ant sand

    Robb Hermes asked for sand ants to get samples of Trinitite, a material created in the test blasts of the first atomic bomb.

  5. Earth

    Millions of years ago, frozen ice sheet in East Antarctica melted

    Warming may have caused ice sheet collapse and huge increase in sea level.

  6. Earth

    Huge quakes may foretell smaller, human-caused ones

    Distant powerful temblors triggered ominous activity at wastewater injection sites.

  7. Earth

    Taking Antarctica’s temperature

    Frozen continent may not be immune to global warming.

  8. Earth

    Every six years, Earth spins slightly faster and then slower

    Changes in day length linked to workings of Earth's core.

  9. Earth

    Faults can reseal months after quakes

    Measurements in southern China find quick healing of fractured rock.

  10. Chemistry

    High methane in drinking water near fracking sites

    Well construction and geology may both play a role in pollution.

  11. Earth

    Cleaner air may have brought more storms

    Pollution during the 20th century appears to have suppressed North Atlantic hurricanes.

  12. Earth

    Satellite captures Earth’s greenery

    Orbiting camera detects reflected light to determine the extent of the planet's vegetation.
