
  1. Environment

    Deepwater Horizon damage footprint larger than thought

    In the Gulf of Mexico, most deep-sea corals have escaped damage from the Deepwater Horizon blowout. However, the impact does extend deeper and wider than previously thought.

  2. Earth

    Early life probably fell victim to massive space rocks

    Planet-sterilizing impacts probably snuffed out early life on Earth until around 4.3 billion years ago.

  3. Environment

    Recycled water may flood urban parks with dangerous germs

    Irrigating city parks with recycled water may flood the soil with drug-resistant microbes.

  4. Earth

    Merging magma can set off supervolcanoes in less than 10,000 years

    The reconstruction of a massive eruption 4.5 million years ago near Yellowstone National Park suggests that magma chambers merging together beneath a supervolcano can trigger explosions in less than 10,000 years.

  5. Oceans

    Whales and ships don’t mix well

    A 15-year study of blue whales off California has found that major shipping lanes cut through feeding grounds.

  6. Earth

    Wonders of the northern lights

    An Icelandic aurora catches a photographer’s eye and a contest prize.

  7. Chemistry

    Molecular cage traps rare gases

    Organic compound could cull valuable xenon from the air and detect cancer-causing radon in homes.

  8. Environment

    Wild monkeys near Fukushima have low blood cell counts

    Primates near the ill-fated nuclear power plant may have been affected by radiation.

  9. Ecosystems

    Offshore wind farms may be seal feeding grounds

    Harbor seals were tracked visiting offshore wind farms, probably to find food, researchers say.

  10. Earth

    Sandstone structures form without cement

    Lasting sandstone structures form when weighed-down sand locks into stable formations, researchers find in laboratory experiment.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Organic foods may contain extra antioxidants

    Contrary to previous studies, a new analysis finds that organic crops have nutritional benefits over conventionally grown foods.

  12. Climate

    Cell phone towers monitor African rains

    Scientists used cell phone towers to monitor African rains, a method that could track weather in regions without robust meteorological infrastructure.
