
  1. Climate

    Adapting to climate change: Let us consider the ways

    Many organisms do have tools to deal with sudden environmental changes, as freelance writer and Science News “Wild Things” blogger Sarah Zielinski reports.

  2. Oceans

    Saharan dust explains Bahamas’ paradoxical existence

    Windswept dust from the Sahara Desert may fertilize bacteria that built the Bahamas.

  3. Climate

    How species will, or won’t, manage in a warming world

    Fast evolution and flexibility, in biology and behavior, may allow some species to adapt to a warming world. Others may need help from humans, or risk dying out.

  4. Environment

    Decline in birds linked to common insecticide

    In addition to harming bee populations, neonicotinoid insecticides may also be detrimental to bug-eating birds.

  5. Environment

    Microplastics lodge in crab gills and guts

    Crabs can absorb microplastic particles through their gills and by eating polluted mussels.

  6. Ecosystems

    If you really hate a species, try eating it

    Dining on invasive fish such as snakehead and lionfish can reduce their numbers, but we can’t entirely eat our way out this problem.

  7. Earth

    Gravity variations foretell flood risk months in advance

    Tiny gravitational tugs from saturated river basins allow NASA satellites to forecast flood risk.

  8. Climate

    Meat-eaters’ greenhouse gas emissions are twice as high as vegans’

    Meat-eaters dietary GHG emissions are twice as high as those of vegans, a study finds.

  9. Earth

    Oklahoma earthquakes triggered by wastewater injection

    Dumping wastewater from the oil and gas industry into disposal wells may have set off swarm of earthquakes in Oklahoma.

  10. Environment

    Plastic goes missing at sea

    A survey of the world’s oceans finds far less polymer trash than expected, and researchers don’t know where the rest of the plastic is.

  11. Animals

    Emperor penguin population could decline by 2100

    Emperor penguins’ reign over Antarctic sea ice could be in decline by the beginning of the 22nd century.

  12. Earth

    Wavy jet stream linked with extreme weather

    Extreme weather events have been linked with big waves in the jet stream.
